599+Best Zandalari Names

Have you heard about the Zandalari trolls? If not then let me tell you something about them. The Zandalari Names are that tribe from which all the other tribes in Azeroth originated. They are the earliest trolls.

The tribe is based on an amalgamation of different South American and Meso-American cultures with a little mix of the Afro-Caribbean and the West African culture.

They are quite old and are also said to be the oldest lasting empire in Azeroth and have been around for over 16,000 years.

Zandalari Troll Names

Zandalari Names

The Zandalars are one of the most superstitious people. They are also known for their high values and knowledge above anything else. They have the power and capacity to perform magic by which they can connect and communicate with spirits.

They have unique and religious names. If you are looking for the best Zandalari troll name for your character, we can definitely help you with that.

Look at the chart below to find some of the best Zandalari names.

XarmashRug’daTz’odonZandalari Golden
ManohnZor’muehmPon’gukaNames Darling
UgomohMulanOrunZandalari Drag
Truz’kammoTralghulakEl’sonZandalari Limitless
EsserTranhyhulWejapoolNames Collaborate
AlextraszaYseraDirvuNames Breathe
IridiIe’swriKidru’dwheZandalari Genius
DragonaxeHaonuKharuNames Diamond
MeritheraIvalleHar’valeZandalari Heroes
SinthariaNasgrisDor’olZandalari Sunrise
TyrigosaMawanuAr’lalZandalari Advanced
Ur’vaDe’gishKaloehNames Playmaker
ColeshKhyr’ghokChrys’eshNames Happy
Arl’alKhur’ganTel’hoakZandalari Able
Khal’kilukGhi’takHemar’ktelZandalari Addict
So’keshChic’ucChar’zarshZandalari Joker
MuhneuChirohhShq’zyrisZandalari Active
Rikk’rusUlchehVry’zyonZandalari Bio
LoahandsMojoChunsutZandalari Tact
RepheyarZulfiChi’shumoZandalari Tempo
Tuk’swullaAszgalorCU’weraNames Toolbox
RejaninBaznalserZi’leilZandalari Galactic

Zandalari Trolls Appearance And Traits

Some consider the zandalari the finest-looking specimen of all the troll tribes. Many even call them the elves of the trolls. It is believed that they have inherited the beautiful appearance of their elven descendants. Initially, their appearance was skinny and pinkish-white trolls with beautiful yellow-tan skin.

But the new appearance has a skin color that ranges from colors like black, grey, blue, and green.

They have bright yellow or blue color glowing eyes. They also have fur on their neck. Some of them also have scale-like patches on different parts of their body like the forearm, cheeks, etc. But most of them do not have patches on their bodies and have smooth appearance.

The Zandalari females have a more prominent heel-toe than the males but both males and females Zandalari trolls were seen wearing toe rings.

Zandalari AntNames FlatteringNames HighZandalari Passion
Zandalari PassNames ExtraZandalari PedigreeZandalari Artistry
Zandalari MirrorNames RoadsZandalari IsticNames Cloud
Zandalari MagnetZandalari RadiantNames TouchNames Aero
Names BungleNames BabyZandalari EagerZandalari Ranch
Names KnowZandalari StyleNames TimeslipNames Hackel
Zandalari FlexZandalari ActivatorZandalari GlobalNames Dive
Names StormZandalari HandcraftZandalari First DownNames Heart
Zandalari MarketNames SilentZandalari BudZandalari Absolute
Names CallZandalari ElysiumZandalari GoNames Muse
Names AbsoluteZandalari ValuedZandalari MechNames Strategies
Zandalari RadiantNames ZenZandalari AtlantisZandalari Recess
Names DecisionZandalari PerfectZandalari PublicZandalari Star
Names ChaseNames NectarNames CrankNames Intellect
Names WiredNames ModernNames AdoreZandalari Health
Zandalari HorizonNames DirectionZandalari EggheadNames Slice
Names AccureNames PsychoZandalari AbodeZandalari Strip
Zandalari CompassZandalari FetchZandalari KicksNames Cash
Zandalari CaringZandalari OrchidNames EmpireZandalari Darling
Zandalari MonoZandalari RoseNames FieldsZandalari Phantom
Zandalari FlavorNames FortressNames StrikeNames Condition
Names NakedZandalari PlaymakerZandalari AlphaZandalari Surge
Zandalari BodiedNames SightZandalari PlannerZandalari Buggy
Names GalacticNames EasyZandalari HacksZandalari Razer
Names GroundNames LodgeNames HealNames Dual

The male Zandalari trolls are a little shorter than the female Zandalari trolls but both of them stand taller mainly because of their proud and splendid attitude.

Zandalari Troll Female Names

Zandalari Names

In this community, the females stand taller than the males. Although the females have peculiar skin colors like the males, they have a distinct horn pattern on their heads. Zandalari’s names are distinct and unique from other trolls’ tribes which reflect their courageous personality.

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It is quite a difficult task to find a perfect Zandalari female name, especially which can perfectly suit the character. But here we have a chart for you that can make it a little easier.

FonJaeden’kilBhi’deilZandalari Rebel
AtalaiManroth’zulUsoZandalari Amazement
JuzjinTuskadinPiro’pesuNames Allure
VrensiHir’butemonBuw’aletZandalari Deadshot
KhyrrakthPe’welmesPo’sihlhNames Ash
Da’wuricRu’gckoDri’lomosZandalari Urban
Mel’moycOlvnesqDhit’lyatZandalari Jumper
Ju’weoxenPyzenKherkhi’eryZandalari Promote
Zandalari BudNames ArrangeNames GlistenNamlada
Zandalari GigaNames GateNames VividZandalari Eco
Zandalari TideNames SheetZandalari TrainerZandalari Osiris
NamyaNames SprintNames DigitalZandalari Expert
Zandalari BakerZandalari RockZandalari AquaZandalari Search
Names PerfectZandalari LittleZandalari StackZandalari Root
Names VibeNames SmashNames PrintZandalari Cabin
Names ControllerZandalari PerspectiveNames FableNames Bench
ZandalariioZandalariisticZandalari FuzeZandalariium
Names JavaZandalari GeniusNames SightNames Om
Names MassZandalari TrussNames SyndicateNames Templar
NamishNames LionessNames MammothZandalari Shine
NamwindNames JamZandalari LusciousZandalari Bone

Zandalari Monk Names

The Zandalari monks are incredibly powerful. They generally help in defending the allies by creating distracting enemies and sometimes simultaneously damaging them.

The monk names are powerful sounding names reflecting their strength. If you are looking for some of the best and most creative Zandalari monk names then you can take a glance at the table below.

We have for you some of the best Zandalari troll monk names that you can use. Some of these names are based on the ancient power of magic.

Zandalari SpiralZandalari MintyZandalari IsticZandalari Spiral
NamiumNames PrincipalNames UglyZandalari Iron
Zandalari EnticeNames ForumNames ExquisiteNames Blended
ZandalariivaZandalari MinkZandalari ChallengeZandalari Haste
NamluxNames UncensoredZandalari AugurZandalari Envy
Names StreamlinedZandalari GoldenNames RanchZandalari Miner
Names AccentuateNames MunchZandalari BuncoZandalari Base Camp
Zandalari BargeNamryZandalari CreamNames Yantra
Names AbstractNames BoltNames SphynxNames Amenity
ZandalaritasticNames BackyardNames StandardZandalari Beats
NamprismZandalari HealthyZandalari LightNames Gloss
Zandalari AromaNames DoupZandalari EdgeNames Ice
Zandalari AxisNames MoonshotZandalari VeilNames Den
Zandalari CornerNames DrapeZandalari PushNames Earnings
Zandalari TemplarNames BrothersNames AccelNames Light
Zandalari AngelNames HaloNames NamahNames Battle
Names ClassicsNames PaperZandalari SimpleZandalari Stellar
Zandalari TimbreNames QueZandalari BreatheZandalari Mind
Names TintNames LilacNames ThriveNames Follow
Names FabledNames NestZandalari AlphaNames Vitamin
Zandalari MeadowZandalari BreezeZandalari FloralZandalari Discounts
Names AidZandalari RuleNames EstateNames Commute
Zandalari InsigniaNames AccountsNames Cha-ChaZandalari Craftsman
Zandalari ScoopNames ArmouryZandalari HammerZandalari Collection
Zandalari OceanZandalari StableNames BalancedNames Celebration

Zandalari Troll Paladin Names

Zandalari Names

The religious faction of Zandalari trolls is the paladins. Being holy warriors they have a very courageous and brave personality. There is no place for fear. They have names that reflect their fearless nature.

We have enlisted some of the best paladin Zandalari troll names that you might like.

Names InvisibleNames FinishNames AmbianceNames Haven
Names AcuityNames BlissNames HonestZandalari Spicy
Zandalari BodyNames BoostsZandalari ReadyZandalari Adri
Names BackboneNames EnergizeNames BlankNames Lynx
Zandalari PlayNames JoltNames VogueZandalari Revolution
Names EnchantZandalari SolveNames AdvocateZandalari Illuminate
Names GoNames ConsumerNames FocusNames Step
Names SweetieZandalari PlaceNames ChairNames Striker
Names OontNames UnionNames PureZandalari Tender
Zandalari BalajiZandalari AllianceNames GrindNames Logic
Names AdvancedNames AerobicNames CorporateNames Picker
Zandalari HigherNames GraciousZandalari MeetupZandalari Cymbal
Names PrecisionNames AssuredZandalari MotionNames Blueprint
Names OverlordZandalari ZillaZandalari CatcherZandalari Modus
Names BlissZandalari ConsultingZandalari MadeZandalari Sprint
Zandalari LogisticZandalari RaiderNames HerdsmanNames Depot
Names JuniperZandalari DashNames ProZandalari Blaze
Names OutwardNames PaddywackNames BlizzardNames Answers
Zandalari SpreadNames GoliathZandalari MonstersNames Turbo
Zandalari TrendZandalari ClimateZandalari DelicateNames Acres
Zandalari FuryZandalari SentinelZandalari BreakawayZandalari Invader
Names SlamNames RuleZandalari ScienceNames Enviable
Zandalari GlanceNames SpreadNames FormNames Bang
Zandalari ViolaZandalari PlasmaZandalari EquippedZandalari Quest
Zandalari GalaxyZandalari UltimateZandalari SwapZandalari Resort

Zandalari Trolls Language, Tradition, Culture

Sandals which is the native language of the trolls. Trolls of all tribes including the Zandalari speak sandals. It can be spoken in a different accent which is fractionated by religion. The Zandalari trolls have a melodious flow to them.

These Zandalari trolls have had an unchanging hierarchy for more than a thousand years. Initially, they were just hard-working farmers, fishermen, and craftsmen who founded the peasant class.

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Zandalari were always taught to obey their elders and disrespecting them was considered similar to disrespecting god and they were given severe punishment.

The Zandalari warrior class used to act as the arms of the king. They were above the peasant class. But later they were empowered by the Zandalari gods and ruled for more than two hundred years. They became the masters of magic and communication with spirits became easier for them.

Their ultimate symbol of courage and power is the grab that they wear in the battles.

They don’t have room for weakness. They have their traits by which the Zandalari measures success. They were ferocity, strength, stamina, and power. From a very early age, the Zandalaris have to prove their strength to the council of ministers, kings, and even to God.

Zandalari Troll Shaman Names

Zandalari Names

The shaman Zandalari trolls are the ones regarded for having access to communicate with both good and evil spirits who often enter a state of trance during their rituals.

If you are looking for unique Shaman Zandalari troll names then you can find some here.

Names FamousZandalari PactZandalari ArkNames Auto
Names BoldZandalari GuideZandalari SnapZandalari For Sale
Names BioNames SaffronNames RoseZandalari Fresh
Zandalari AssetZandalari KeeperZandalari ScoreZandalari Erase
Names AutoZandalari TenorNames NZandalari Coastal
Zandalari ChannelsNames CauseZandalari SmokeZandalari Box
Zandalari SignatureNames AlliedNames AdaptZandalari OT
Zandalari JoltZandalari ArielNames HabitatZandalari Light
Zandalari HazelZandalari AdvisorZandalari DramaticZandalari Endeavor
Names BricksNames HealthyZandalari AriseZandalari Credit
Names TribalZandalari DicedZandalari CastawayNames Skin
Zandalari TrekkerNames CollectiveNames LimaNames Crafty
Names IntuitionZandalari BanditNames TonalNames Global
Zandalari DriftZandalari AtlantisZandalari HandNames Secret
Names BedZandalari DeckNames AbhayaZandalari First
Names BassZandalari ExcitingZandalari PrimitiveNames Majesty
Names CrackZandalari FlowNames FlickerNames Paper
Zandalari OryxZandalari PawZandalari RhythmZandalari Haven
Zandalari MechaNames NationalZandalari PaletteZandalari Launch
Zandalari EverydayNames HeritageZandalari KickstartNames Celestial
Names CraftZandalari SignZandalari PinZandalari Credible
Names CarsNames PerfectionZandalari RoyalZandalari Advisor
Zandalari VisiblyNames SightseeNames GardenNames Crossover
Zandalari NatureNames RelyZandalari RoyaleZandalari Wise
Zandalari SightNames BroadwayZandalari GenerationZandalari Purebred

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why Do Zandalari Eyes Glow?

The Zandalari trolls are the only troll tribe that has glowing eyes. Their glowing eyes are actually associated with magic. They have a strong power by which they can perform magic by which they defeat enemies and even communicate with spirits.

But some also say that the reason they have glowing eyes is that they are the closest to the night elves. In other opinions, they are blessed by the loa and have genuine earthly connections which is why they have glowing eyes.

2. Do Zandalari Trolls Have Last Names?

The Zandalari do not have family names or surnames but many times they use their tribe name in its place. They also use it to show their loyalty and pride.

3. What Are Zandalari Troll Paladins Called?

The Zandalari paladins are actually called Zandalari prelates. This religious faction is in the topmost position in the order of the holy warriors and fighters who serve at loa. They serve the Rezan.

4. What Accent Is Zandalari?

Before the battle of Azeroth, the Zandalari trolls used the Jamaican accent which was also used by the jungle trolls. But with the subsequent expansion of time, they started to use the continental African accent.

To Wrap It

The Zandalari trolls are the strongest troll tribe with strong religious values. Most of their names are inspired by many nature gods and goddesses. Their names have always been creative and unique yet simple. We hope you will find the best name suited for your character among all these names.

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